Forks are a way to create a copy of a Project in your account while maintaining references to the original. Forks are used for cross-account collaboration. Changes in a fork can be merged back via pull requests.
Forking creates a copy of a val or project in your account while maintaining references to the original. Forking includes the main branch even when a non-main branch is forked to maintain consistency.
A fork can only be merged into its parent if there are no conflicts. All edits are copied to the parent project, and the fork version is updated to match the latest version in the parent.
You can also pull updates from the parent project into your fork.
You cannot have two projects with the same name in the same account. This means that you cannot fork a project if you already have a project of that name. It also means that you can’t fork a project twice, and that you can’t fork your own project. We are working on fixing this.